Michael Schmiechen, Berlin
Papers on ship powering trials

Further promoting quasi-steady ship powering trials and monitoring
... moved from the 'News flash' 2020.03.17

On a design of a tidal flow turbine

On continuing work for the future

On ship powering predictions

An explanatory correspondence

Contributions from model basins

Draft contributions to the 30th ATTC

Remarks on reports submitted for the 28th ITTC

A personal and substantial contribution

On symbols and terminology

Groups concerned alerted

First entries

Call for contributions,
results of tests in particular.

From METEOR 1988 to ANONYMA and further

On quasi-steady trials and monitoring

PATEs: Post-ANONYMA Trial Evaluations

Two sister ships in the East China Sea

Earlier publications on trials etc

Presentations on the ANONYMA trials

Discussions and presentations of the 'letter'

On the evaluation of ship speed trials, cont'd

On the evaluation of ship powering trials